Undergo A Life-Changing Transformation With Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Surgery In Tijuana, Mexico

Excess body weight can make life more difficult and increase your risk of serious health conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure. If you cannot lose weight with diet and exercise alone, gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana may help you achieve the desired results. The price of sleeve gastrectomy in Mexico is affordable, so why not begin your weight loss journey here?

Before & Afters Gastric Sleeve Surgery

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Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Tijuana, Mexico, is Simple and Effective

Vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG) is a lower-risk bariatric procedure than gastric bypass. It only alters the stomach and doesn't reroute the small intestines. Patients experience a substantially lower risk of potential complications than other weight loss surgeries like gastric bypass or duodenal switch. Yet, most patients achieve their weight loss goals. 

The amount of weight loss varies. However, you can typically expect to lose about 60% to 70% percent of your excess weight when you undergo gastric sleeve surgery. Reducing your BMI can help you achieve an improved quality of life. You'll have more self-confidence when you can once again participate in sports, walk energetically, and enjoy time with your family.

Discover Our Bariatric Procedures

Meet Dr. Fernando Garcia

Top 10 Reasons to Choose the Tijuana Bariatric Center in Mexico

  1. Expertise and experience – Our team is composed of board-certified surgeons with years of experience in bariatric surgery, ensuring patients receive top-tier care. 
  2. Comprehensive care – We offer the full gamut of services, providing support from your initial consultation and evaluation to your post-operative care, ensuring seamless continuity. 
  3. Cutting-edge technology – Our center is equipped with the latest in bariatric surgical technology, providing safer and more effective treatments. 
  4. Affordable excellence – Located in Tijuana, we provide world-class bariatric care at a fraction of the cost of similar procedures in the U.S. 
  5. A personalized approach – Every patient is unique, and we tailor our treatments and support to match each individual's needs and goals. 
  6. Safety first – Patient safety is our paramount concern. Our facility follows stringent international safety standards and protocols. 
  1. Post-surgery support – Beyond the surgery, we provide nutritional counseling, support groups, and follow-up care to ensure long-term success. 
  2. A focus on holistic health – Our approach goes beyond just weight loss. We aim to improve the overall well-being and quality of life for each patient. 
  3. Ease of accessibility – Located just minutes from the U.S.-Mexico border, our center is easily accessible for international patients, with transportation services available. 
  4. A caring community – We pride ourselves on building a nurturing community for our patients, offering a space where they feel supported and understood, such as our Facebook Support Group
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What Does Gastric Sleeve Surgery Involve?

The gastric sleeve operation removes about 75-85% of your stomach, leaving behind a tubular “sleeve” about the size and shape of a banana. Stomach capacity is reduced from about a quart to four ounces. What remains carries out all necessary functions like digestion, acid secretion, etc. No rerouting of the intestines occurs, so you completely digest food and absorb nutrients.

How Common is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

The gastric sleeve is the most commonly performed weight loss surgery in the United States and worldwide. According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS), more than half of bariatric surgery procedures in the United States were gastric sleeve, with gastric bypass a distant second. The total number of gastric sleeve operations performed in 2020 was 122,000, yet only about 1% of people who qualify and would benefit from the surgery actually get it. 

What Can Gastric Sleeve Surgery Accomplish?

Following vertical sleeve gastrectomy, the smaller size of your stomach will make you feel fuller more quickly. The procedure serves another purpose as well: It removes part of the stomach that produces the hunger hormone Ghrelin so that you will feel less hungry in general and you will be able to keep the weight off going forward. The remainder of calories needed come from fat stored in the body, resulting in weight loss. 

I had Gastric sleeve with Dr. Garcia and Tijuana Bariatrics and my experience was excellent. I would highly recommend Dr Garcia! From the minute I was picked up at the San Diego airport I was treated with respect like I was a special guest. The hotel was a Marriott and it was one of the nicest hotels I’ve ever stayed in. It was clean and spotless. The hospital was extremely sterile, clean and modern, and the staff was excellent. I always saw them using universal sanitary precautions when they entered my room. I have lost over 120 pounds and this was done six years ago and I have maintained the weight and I’m very happy with my procedure. I had my surgery with such great success that my father, my sister, and several of my friends have been down to Dr. Garcia for the same procedure and have received the same service and results.

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Why Choose Dr. Fernando Garcia?

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Dr. Garcia has over a decade of expertise in the field of bariatric surgery and is strongly committed to patient safety, health, and longevity. He has completed over 10,000 successful weight loss procedures and is passionate about restoring peace of mind and quality of life to thousands of medical tourists each year.

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Dr. Garcia believes that no one should have to experience the discomfort, disease, and low self-esteem that comes with excess weight. Dr. Garcia has himself undergone a weight loss journey and he knows firsthand how challenging the process can be. However, as a skilled, result-oriented surgeon, Dr. Garcia considers each procedure a partnership, wherein the patient must commit to ongoing lifestyle changes in order to support long-term success with weight loss. He has therefore created a comprehensive strategy to address the emotional, dietary, and exercise-related components of the weight loss journey.

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and training

Dr. Fernando García obtained his Licensed Physician Degree at the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo before completing a demanding residency in General Surgery at Hospital General (General Hospital), endorsed by Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC). He is currently a professor of Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery at Universidad Autonoma de Baja California and has been on staff for over a decade at Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social.

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In the Doctor’s Own Words

“Having spent over 13 years in the bariatric field, what I personally cherish most about performing a gastric sleeve is the profound impact it has on patients' lives. It's not just about the surgical procedure itself but the transformative journey that patients embark on. Every time I perform a gastric sleeve, I am reminded of the resilience and determination of each patient, their trust in me, and their aspiration for a healthier, more fulfilling life. It's a privilege to play such an integral role in their path to wellness. 

"Moreover, the technical aspects of the procedure are also fascinating, as they combine precision with a deep understanding of human anatomy. But above all, the most rewarding aspect is witnessing the post-operative rejuvenation – the renewed confidence, the myriad health improvements, and the joy in the eyes of my patients. It's a constant reminder of why I chose this profession and drives my passion at the Tijuana Bariatric Center every day.”

 – Dr. Fernando Garcia 

What is a Hunger Hormone?

Made in the fundus area of the stomach, Ghrelin is referred to as the “hunger hormone” because it awakens the appetite, increasing food intake. In fact, it can increase appetite by up to 30% when given as a synthetic hormone.

A section of the brain also produces small amounts of Ghrelin, possibly affecting the amygdala, the region involved in reward processing. Therefore, this hormone may be partially responsible for the emotional aspects of overeating. It also affects the hypothalamus, the area of the brain crucial to the control of appetite. The small intestine and pancreas are two other areas that produce small amounts of Ghrelin.

Ghrelin stimulates the release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland. This hormone has protective effects on the cardiovascular system and plays a role in controlling insulin release.

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How Ghrelin Levels Can Affect Obesity

In general, you would expect obese individuals to have a higher level of Ghrelin than those who are not overweight. However, this is not necessarily true. Ghrelin levels are usually lower in obese individuals. The difference is obese individuals are typically much more sensitive to the hormone. Ghrelin levels increase after dieting, possibly explaining why diet-induced weight loss can be difficult to maintain.

How Gastric Sleeve Surgery Affects Ghrelin Levels

Research has repeatedly suggested that bariatric surgery is the most effective, long-term solution for obesity. Individuals who have lost weight after their gastric sleeve procedure in Tijuana consistently have lower Ghrelin levels than individuals who primarily lost weight through diet and exercise alone.

Gastric sleeve surgery works so well because the fundus, the portion of the stomach responsible for the majority of Ghrelin secretion, is removed. Therefore, in addition to eating less due to reduced capacity, patients also eat less because the hunger signals are not as strong.

Benefits of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

  • Enhanced quality of life
  • Improved stamina and energy
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Decreased joint pain
  • A boost in cardiovascular health
  • An end to obstructive sleep apnea
  • Rapid weight loss – In as little as four to six months, patients often shed as much as half their weight.
  • Reduced appetite – The combination of a smaller stomach and the absence of the ghrelin hormone leaves patients satisfied with smaller portions of food.
  • Lowered risk – Because gastric sleeve surgery only restricts the size of your stomach, chances of complications, such as infection or compromised digestive ability, are substantially reduced.

Gastric Sleeve Tijuana Complications and Side Effects

As with all surgery procedures, weight loss gastric sleeve surgery carries some risks, including:

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Infection
  • Blood clots
  • Breathing problems
  • Leaks from the stomach where it was cut

In rare cases, patients may have to undergo gastric sleeve revision surgery to repair a leak.

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What Happens During a Gastric Sleeve Procedure?

You'll receive anesthesia to put you in a relaxed and comfortable state before your surgery. Next, our certified bariatric surgeon will create several small incisions and insert a small camera to guide the procedure, ensuring the utmost precision and accuracy. You will have a large portion of your stomach removed and then reshaped into a vertical sleeve.

Gastric Sleeve Recovery in Tijuana, Mexico

Patients who have undergone laparoscopic gastric sleeve usually return to work after about two to three weeks. Yet, a full recovery can take six months or longer. During your recovery, you will gradually begin to eat new foods, starting with a clear liquid diet. You will also slowly increase your activity level. Our doctors recommend walking slowly at first and gradually increasing your steps. As you heal, you can start including low-impact aerobic activity. After about three to six months, you can establish a more rigorous exercise routine.

Always keep in mind that the adjustment period can be difficult for your mind and body. Avoid doing too much too soon. Our medical staff can guide you through your recovery and help you move through each phase when ready. The most substantial weight loss results come from those who have defined goals and a commitment to a post-operative diet and lifestyle.

Gastric Sleeve Recovery Timeline

  • Surgery day – The patient typically wakes up in a recovery room and is closely monitored.  
  • Day 2-3 – Hospital stays for observation, pain management, and the beginning of a liquid diet. 
  • Week 1 – Transition to a clear liquid diet. Patients might experience mild pain or discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed painkillers. Limited physical activity; walking is encouraged to prevent blood clots. 
  • Week 2 – Gradual introduction of pureed foods. Continued emphasis on hydration and protein intake. Patients can begin light activities but no heavy lifting or strenuous exercise. 
  • Weeks 3-4 – Introduction of soft foods. Gradual increase in daily activities. Email follow-up: We'll check in via email to monitor your healing and address any concerns. We recommend you also see your Primary Care Physician (PCP) during this time for an in-person evaluation. 
  • Month 2 – Transition to regular, solid foods, with an emphasis on protein. Resumption of regular daily activities and exercises, with physician's clearance. Email follow-up: An update on your weight loss progress and dietary habits. Again, consider visiting your PCP for a thorough check. 
  • Month 3-6 – Continued adherence to the recommended post-operative diet. Regular exercise routine, as advised. Email follow-up: Around the 6-month mark for a general check-up on your progress and well-being. As always, we suggest an in-person visit with your PCP. 
  • Month 12 – Celebrating a year post-surgery. Significant weight loss should be evident by this time. Email follow-up: A comprehensive check to assess long-term progress and any potential concerns. We strongly recommend an annual check with your PCP to ensure everything is on track. 
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Understanding Your Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Commitment

While bariatric surgery can seem like a simple solution, you should understand the commitment it requires. Gastric sleeve is only the beginning of your weight loss journey. The most satisfied and successful weight loss surgery patients are also committed to healthy lifestyle changes, including routine exercise and a mindful post-op diet. If your habits do not change, gastric sleeve procedure results will be short-lived.

To help you keep up with these changes, Tijuana Bariatric Center ensures your care does not end when you walk out of the hospital. Your nutritionist will instruct you on healthy post-op eating habits and more after your bariatric surgery in Mexico. In the months after the procedure, you can take part in remote follow-up appointments. Our private Facebook support group can keep you motivated to maintain your results.

Your BMI:

Assessing Your Candidacy for Gastric Sleeve Surgery

  • You have already tried conservative methods – Before considering bariatric surgery in Mexico, our providers highly recommend that you try lifestyle changes. You should exhaust conservative options, like strict diet modifications and exercise first.
  • High Body Mass Index (BMI) – You should have a BMI of 34 or above. You also qualify if you are at 32 BMI and suffer from weight-related comorbidities such as obstructive sleep apnea, high blood pressure, heart or kidney disease, or type 2 diabetes. Undergoing gastric sleeve can be an effective way to reclaim your health.
  • Minimum age – For vertical sleeve gastrectomy or any other bariatric surgery options, gastric sleeve patients should be 18 years or older. These procedures are not FDA-approved for younger patients.
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Your Gastric Sleeve Consultation

During your consultation at Tijuana Bariatric Center, our foremost objective is to empower you with comprehensive knowledge about the procedure, its benefits, and potential risks. We take the time to deeply understand your individual weight loss goals and health history. Through a thorough medical evaluation, we ascertain your suitability for the surgery while setting realistic expectations about results and recovery. 

Trust-building is at the heart of our consultation, ensuring you feel comfortable and confident in our expertise. We also discuss practical logistics like cost, scheduling, and pre-op preparations and introduce patients to the post-operative journey, outlining dietary adjustments, recommended activities, and follow-up plans. Ultimately, our aim is to make sure every patient leaves feeling well-informed and secure in their decision to embark on this transformative journey with us. 

Consider Medical Tourism for Affordable Weight Loss Surgery

The price that medical tourism patients pay for laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in Mexico is thousands of dollars less than in the United States. That's why many patients undergo weight loss surgery in Tijuana every year. Traveling here gives you many benefits, including enjoying a luxury destination. Tijuana Bariatric Center can coordinate your gastric sleeve operation with a reputable, accredited bariatric surgeon. These bariatric surgeons have training in the latest bariatric techniques and must meet the same stringent high standards as in the United States.

Gastric Sleeve Medical Tourism Packages

At Tijuana Bariatric Center, our medical tourism packages for gastric sleeve start at $4,250 USD, a figure that is much less than you would pay – even with medical insurance – in the United States. Our medical tourism packages offered for all bariatric procedures include all necessary medical services like pre-op tests, post-op medical and nutritional counseling, hospital fees, hotel, and transportation to and from San Diego Airport, as well as free medical tourism insurance. Tijuana Bariatric Center also offers access to financing and the ability to find a payment plan to meet your budget.

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Tijuana Bariatric Center in Mexico: Dedicated to Excellence

By undergoing your weight loss surgery through Tijuana Bariatric Center, you will receive unparalleled care in our highly rated and accredited hospitals

  • The current infection rate is 0%
  • Facilities are held to the same meticulous safety standards as those in the U.S.
  • Stunning results at affordable prices
  • Ethical and compassionate care

"I feel like a new person. My self-esteem has skyrocketed!" 
"It's amazing how much lighter and more active I feel." 
"I've learned to eat smaller portions and make healthier choices." 
"My blood pressure and cholesterol levels have normalized." 
"This surgery has given me a second chance at life." 
"I'm more active now, and I even took up jogging!" 
"Adjusting to my new diet was tough initially, but worth it." 
"Shopping for clothes has become fun again. I'm no longer limited to plus sizes!" 
"I've developed a healthier relationship with food." 
"My doctor is thrilled with my progress and improved health." 

— What Patients Are Saying After Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Tijuana, Mexico

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What Additional Procedures Complement Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

After undergoing a gastric sleeve procedure, many patients seek complementary treatments to optimize their new physique and address any residual concerns. Commonly, body contouring procedures, like tummy tucks, arm lifts, and thigh lifts become highly beneficial for removing the excess skin resulting from significant weight loss.

Some patients might also consider breast surgeries such as breast lift, augmentation, or reduction to refine their chest area. For those with a large overhanging apron of skin in the groin area, a panniculectomy offers targeted relief.

The face isn't exempt from the effects of weight loss, prompting some patients to opt for facelifts, neck lifts, or eyelid surgeries to rejuvenate their countenance. Additionally, liposuction can be instrumental in addressing localized fat pockets that remain stubbornly in place.

Beyond surgical solutions, nutritional and psychological counseling play a crucial role, supporting patients in maintaining their weight loss journey and navigating the emotional aspects of their transformation. Before embarking on any ancillary procedure, consulting with both bariatric and plastic surgeons is essential to ensure the best possible outcomes. 

To schedule your consultation, complete a request online or phone us at 1-800-970-0577.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery FAQ

Can gastric sleeve surgery influence or improve other medical conditions like diabetes or hypertension?

How does pregnancy affect the results of gastric sleeve surgery, and what should I consider if I plan to become pregnant?

Is there a risk of vitamin and mineral deficiencies post-surgery, and how can I prevent them?

How often should I follow up with my healthcare provider after surgery?

What lifestyle changes will maximize the benefits of my gastric sleeve surgery?

Can gastric sleeve surgery influence or improve other medical conditions like diabetes or hypertension?

Yes, significant weight loss after surgery often improves or even resolves conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol. Many patients experience reduced symptoms and, in some cases, can reduce or discontinue related medications under medical supervision.

How does pregnancy affect the results of gastric sleeve surgery, and what should I consider if I plan to become pregnant?

It's advisable to wait at least 18 months post-surgery before becoming pregnant. The weight loss and nutritional absorption changes can affect fetal development. Discuss with your surgeon and obstetrician to ensure you and your baby remain healthy throughout the pregnancy.

Is there a risk of vitamin and mineral deficiencies post-surgery, and how can I prevent them?

Yes, there's a risk of deficiencies in iron, calcium, vitamin B12, and other nutrients due to reduced food intake and absorption. Lifelong supplementation and regular blood tests are recommended to monitor and address any deficiencies.

How often should I follow up with my healthcare provider after surgery?

Follow-up schedules may vary, but generally, you should see your surgeon a few weeks after the operation, followed by regular check-ups every few months during the first year and annually thereafter. These visits allow monitoring of your weight loss, dietary adherence, and general health.

What lifestyle changes will maximize the benefits of my gastric sleeve surgery?

To maximize the benefits, adopt a balanced diet low in calories but rich in nutrients, engage in regular physical activity, avoid high-calorie liquids and snacks, and participate in support groups or counseling to maintain motivation and address any emotional or behavioral challenges.

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Gastric Sleeve Surgery for USD $3,950 (Regular Price: USD 6,580)

Transform your life with our exclusive gastric sleeve promotion! This special price is available only for surgeries scheduled during the week of November 25th to November 30th with Dr. Fernando Garcia.

  • Expert Surgeon: Dr. Fernando Garcia, a leading bariatric specialist.
  • All-Inclusive Package: Includes pre-op assessments, surgery, and post-op care.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: Advanced technology and top-notch patient care.